Friday, May 27, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend…on-call…..

So, the weather outside is gorgeous…I have my truck, I have my camera, I have my bike, I have to be within 15 minutes of campus…
Such is the life of Student Affairs. Luckily enough, I have a full weekend planned. I am re-uniting with Papa Murphy’s pizza…ok, I know you are like wtf? But it’s something I have missed since Colorado.
Also, I will be making Musubi this weekend…EXCITED!!
Getting to know my roommate better…3rd roommate still MIA in Fairbanks, but know he will return soon. Avocado smoothies…don’t try them…trust me…
Enjoying my new truck. Wish I could take off this weekend and camp somewhere or at least enjoy the 19+ hours of sunlight…it’s so weird to be running around at midnight and have it still be sunglass time. But knowing that 6 months from now, it will be 19 hours of darkness is a bit daunting…
No time like the present though to enjoy all that Anchorage has to offer. So many events, so many eateries to try, so much fish to be had!
Looking forward to more APU rockstar softball, more APU Cyclepaths bike team…(love riding to work almost every day). We are half as big as UAA’s team and we are right behind them!
Hangover 2 was good…not epic like the first one…but pretty darn good….could have used some better writing as it feels like they were going for gross out and some of the humor missed it’s mark or felt forced. Theater was packed and I wore my baby Carlos t-shirt..people loved it…and now that that is over…the beard is gone! No more scratchy itchy look.
Pirates 4 will be had again…this time in the theater…Makes me miss Hawaii some…some..

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