Saturday, July 25, 2009

Things I enjoy

The smell of the ocean
Fresh cut grass
The leather on a brand new baseball
The first bite of a juicy hamburger off of the grill...with Tillamook Cheese of course...
Vista views
Diving headfirst into the Pacific ocean
Posting news on Facebook
Taking the perfect picture
Waking up before my alarm
That first taste of shave ice
Picture messages on my phone
Putting a lei on a guest
Getting emotional over a good book, movie, story
Letters in the mail
Talking to a former student of mine who has a success in their life
The color orange..preferably Beaver Orange
Blackberries and Marionberries
Getting my Netflix in the mail
A full tank of gas and a freshly washed car
My picnic basket full of Hawaiian Food
Swimming with sea turtles